I've been giving some more thought to volunteering at BM 2012. The official (?) recommendation is that it's not suggested the first year...but I like volunteering. It gives me a sense of belonging, purpose without which I feel like a visitor or guest or worse yet leech...lol! I'm comfortable helping people, a caretaker socioligists call it, so why not let what comes naturally do it's thing! Lamplighters and Exodus are still the top runners.
There's something about the ceremony of Lamplighters as well as the regularlity. It's the same time every afternoon; 5pm. My ADHD likes schedules and repetition! :) There appears to be a certain level of camradrie amongst the Lamplighters which is cool as I'm doing this thing solo and it would give me a chance to meet other people...not that I think meeting people will even be a remote possibility with 50,000 like minded people surrounding me!!!

The other options is Exodus which has potential for being a bigger commitment but also to minimize the anxiety connected to egress..blame it on the ADHD again...lol...but I have a tendency to get a little crazy waiting in lines. I've heard that the exodus is another part of the expereince and that there are "neighborhoods" that spring in the wait. The whole thing is staged and so these little neighborhoods last for like an hour at a time and the entire exodus can take 7 hours or longer so theres some fun to be had on the way out. All that being said I believe I might fare better helping coordinate a happy egress rather than socializing around my car...dunno perhaps I need to open my mind to the potential for something different..perhaps?
Will see what happens next...
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