Saturday, September 29, 2007

numbers and coincidence

meditation is something that has me intrigued. It started with a guy I saw one day in the gym - a beautiful man. I asked around and found out who he was. I saw him soon afterward wearing a recovery sorta t-shirt and wondered if he was in recovery too. I asked around again and found out he is in recovery. Then it's like one thing after another, we're connected to several of the same people. I'm at a meeting at the treehouse (my recovery center) for a recovery convention and I see this guys name up on an anniversary board..and this guys date is the same as my b-day. Now I'm kinda freaky about my pops up all the time for me on digital clocks, the month and date ya know? All of a sudden my path is crossing his in too many places! Way too many coincidences with this I'm thinking that "someone" wants me to pay attention to this guy for whatever reason. So I ask him out for coffee. See, he's into meditation and I'm checkin it out and I figure that's probably the spirtual guide wants me to learn something from him or share something with him. It's a little freaky but in a good way. Anyway I'm listening closer now.