Friday, November 30, 2007
wonder where?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
holiday distractions
Friday, November 23, 2007
Breathing it would seem is more than just a means to live…it is the way to live. My teacher, my beloved (Swami) Jaya Devi, was teaching the other night. She spoke about when we learn to love ourselves…"when I get thin then I'll be happy", "when I get this job, then I'll be happy"…"when I get the love of my life, the car, that…whatever"…I've lived my whole life tying to find some external "thing" to make me happy.. It's what fueled my addiction, my search for something to make me happy… or rather to remove my pain! She has taught me that the giving to others will lead me to happiness. It won't give me happiness. That comes from inside. If I love myself I can be happy. Compassion, benevolence, humility and confidence, these characteristics will lead my way. And living in the moment is the key…how? Breathing! I asked Jaya Devi this question not long ago;
My question was this; how does one get back in the moment when the ego is fighting so hard to be the center of attention?
Breath by breath, with both will and surrender. You breathe in everything you feel and breathe it out again. On each breath you know that even in the middle of all the chaos and struggle, you are okay. You are loved and connected and you are okay. You don't even have to do anything to be okay, you just have to remember that you are, and the breath is the key to remembering.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
true things
- I get up every morning at 6:15 am – except the mornings I stay in bed
- I had a thing for bois once but would NEVER date another!
- I love Cholua hot sauce above all others.
- I eat 3 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost every day unless I don't.
- I only watch movies when I watch TV so I don't really watch TV.
- I completely believe in Karma.
Monday, November 12, 2007
a year and a half
Living requires responsibility.
Living requires me to pull my weight, to pay my bills, to be compassionate not only to others but more importantly to myself.
Living requires me to get a job.
Living doesn't mean I have to be dull or unhappy but it does mean I can't always have my way and do what I want to do when I want. Most times it's about the rest of the world and requires me to do my part to keep it spinning. Living requires me to be honest, caring and happy. It requires me to help others when I can not when I want. I lived most of my life taking and now I need to give back. Make no mistake I didn't take because I was a selfish self-centered ego maniac! Nope…I took because I was a selfish, self-centered ego maniac with an inferiority complex.
Using for me is no longer a choice…and I can live with that.
btw: in the event that you are asking yourself why I went back out twice...the only explanation I can offer is that I chose to use again. I forgot the pain. A better question might be how in the hell did I survive those two excursions back to insanity?