Expectations. On any given day I can find myself getting my nose outa joint because someone didn't do what I wanted. Traffic, weather, personalities…some person, place or thing has not lived up to my expectations. Holy shit! Here then is a concept to consider, dear reader, if you ever find yourself feeling the same thing. Who cares? Honestly no slight is meant here...but I have never stopped to consider, at the moment of incident at least, whether or not that person, place or thing gives a rat's ass what I wanted in the situation that I have found completely unacceptable. Think about it…do you suppose for one second that the driver on 75 in the morning cares that I'm on my way to the gym and they are keeping me from my workout? Do you suppose the lady in the line at Publix who is fishing in her purse to find the exact change has considered that I may want to get going to my house so that I can make my dinner?
If I haven't taken the time to consider what's happening in the lives of the people that I come in contact with every single day why in the hell do I suppose that they are going to think about what's happening in my world??? Undoubtedly if they knew who I am they would change their habits to conform to mine right?? Oh hell no! Think about that the next time someone isn't driving the way you want them to be driving…there's a damn good chance that the driver behind you is thinking the same thing about you!