Sunday, December 30, 2007


I think I want a tattoo that says -
honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, brotherly love, justice, perserverance, spiritual awareness, service.
i'm thinking of adding gratitude to the list...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

what if reincarnation is true?

Recently I was at Darshan and (Swami) Jaya Devi was teaching about being compassionate to ourselves and others. After the meditation she was answering questions and this thought came to mind...

what if the addict is actually reincarnated to a higher level and the addiction is nothing more than unresolved pain from a previous life?

I'm going to try to process this thought…keep up with me if you can.

This idea hedges on several thoughts…what if… reincarnation is true?...the lower mind is the ego?...the higher mind is my connection with a higher power? What if when I finish with one life – when I've learned all I can in that life – at the end of that journey I had unresolved pain? And the unresolved pain I had from my last life was so close to the surface that when I was reborn my lower mind managed to get to my unresolved pain first…that pain manifested then in the form of addiction – drugs, alcohol, sex, money…and until I can let go of that pain – these addictions…I can't continue my journey. Now if I was on a higher plane I might have been able to get cleaner earlier but I reach that point when I my higher mind reachs the level of acceptance it requires to get clean. If all this is true, does it mean that now that I have gotten clean and come to the understanding about this "evolution" that I can continue on my journey? I mean, what if…?